How many active views are you getting from flyers? Don’t know? ListingQR can help.
ListingQR allows realtors to quantify physical traffic sources for listings. These traffic sources can consist of postcards to physical signs. When a QR code is scanned a view is attributed to both the viewing and QR code linked to that listing.
These links allow realtors to establish baselines and quantify traffic sources via scanned QR codes. It allows realtors to view how many views were walk-by viewings vs how many were postcards.
Within the ListingQR dashboard you are able to track views from different traffic sources. See a dashboard example below.
Interested in seeing what a listing would look like to potential buyers? Click the link below.

ListingQR is a valuable tool to gather insights on how postcards, flyers, or even office postings translate into interest for particular listings.
If you aren’t already using ListingQR — checkout it out today!