Are you printing off pamphlets to put at the listing signs?
ListingQR replaces the pamphlets with a QR code potential buyers can scan and get access to listing information. After a potential buyer scans a QR code, they are presented with a landing page specific to that listing. The landing page consists of basic listing information, agent contact, and links to external data sources.
Not only does ListingQR replace Pamphlets, after a potential buyer scans a QR code you are tracking view metrics for that property. More specifically you are tracking views for that specific QR Code which is attached to the sign outside the property.
What happens when you sell that property and move the sign? We are glad you asked!
ListingQR allows you to assign new listings to existing QR codes. This allows you to move the sign to a new property and assign the new listing to the QR code on the sign. After the listing is assigned to the QR code you will begin capturing view metrics!
Another great benefit of adding a QR code to your sign is the fact you wont run out of pamphlets. And if you need to update information about the listing, you can instantly.
Interested in seeing what a listing would look like to potential buyers? Click the link below.
Within the ListingQR dashboard you are able to track views from different traffic sources. See a dashboard example below.

This is a great feature and use case for realtors looking to quantify physical location metrics.
If you aren’t already using ListingQR — checkout it out today!