ListingQR can help you track views driven by digital marketing efforts.
Not all real estate marketing is done via physical means. As we move more towards a digital world our tools need to adapt. Luckily, ListingQR can meet these digital marketing needs as well.
At the end of the day a QR code is a physical representation of a link. ListingQR gives you access to that link so you can attach it to email campaigns, social ads, and more. Potential buyers will click through on an ad and views will be attributed to that link.
Within the ListingQR dashboard you are able to track views from different digital marketing efforts. See a dashboard example below.

Interested in seeing what a listing would look like to potential buyers? Click the link below.
ListingQR is a valuable tool to gather insights on how your digital real estate marketing efforts translate into interest for particular listings.
If you aren’t already using ListingQR — checkout it out today!